7 Strategies For Rebounding from Creative Burnout
This post loosely accompanies 239. 6 Strategies For Rebounding from Creative Burnout
(video: https://bit.ly/239digoutofburnoutvid and podcast: https://bit.ly/239digoutofburnoutpod )
As you know, we are always looking to add to our list of actionable strategies to keep rebound from creative burnout. That’s where this episode comes in. Inspired by: The Accidental Creative podcast “Check out 6 Strategies For Dealing With Creative Burnout (from 2021)” https://accidentalcreative.com/tac/6-strategies-for-dealing-with-creative-burnout-from-2021/
We’ve got a real theme going here. Have you ever heard that idea that, if you keep finding similar messages from all your favorite people, that it must be just the thing you need to hear? And maybe I just didn’t know it…. But these last two episodes have shared strategies to re-fuel one’s artistic tank, as it were. And it’s NOT that we haven’t ALREADY discussed that “re-fueling” is an absolute artistic NECESSITY; but it’s just that since we are always on the lookout for NEW, actionable methods that anyone–even US! –can implement, these two different podcasters gave us some new ways to approach that “creative nourishment” phase that EVERY artist needs. –How about THIS; even if we DON’T feel like we need this now, we are surely going to store these away, so that when we DO need them, they are easy to find. 💁🏾So, THAT’S why we’re leaning in and sharing them ALL.
239. 6 Strategies For Rebounding from Creative Burnout
The podcast host, Todd Henry, originally recorded this episode during 2021–right after the Coronavirus pandemic seemed to be subsiding. He thought that still, a year later, MANY of us need a recuperative period. He cites how the pandemic caused us to go into a scramble mode (of doing whatever it took to get the job done). And we adapted. But now, many of us are heading back into the office, after being home so long, and that this, too, creates its own stressful response in our psyches (since we’d grown used to whatever home-bound routine we had had to adopt).
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Be the NEXT D.I.Y. Rock Star Handbook
Or another way that a D.I.Y. Rock Star might be experiencing creative burnout could be due to the fatigue of constantly posting, but of NOT getting the engagement that you seek. These strategies are intended to help you stay the course of being creative and/or rebounding from burnout.
1. Pause and organize
Sometimes the burnout is the result of not knowing all that is on our plate. As a result of not being sure what all needs doing and how long it’s going to take can create more stress than the actual work. So, his suggestion is to assess all the “open loops” that you’re responsible for closing by doing a brain dump onto a sheet of paper. By dumping it all out of your brain, you can better sort the work and develop a plan of attack. This removes the stress of uncertainty and allows us to get ready to solve problems, instead of worrying about them. This will help you figure out what are the things that are making me feel discouraged and what to do to change that.
How to give better live performances: https://bit.ly/219betterliveblog
2. Clear the decks
Get rid of the non-essentials that filled our life, but don’t provide progress toward big goals. Prune the activities that use our energy, but don’t provide enough impact. –Things like cleaning out email the MINUTE it comes in and scrolling through Facebook groups, mindlessly, would easily be on my list. –I will NEVER significant progress from engaging in these tasks–ESPECIALLY if I have more critical, pressing things that need to be accomplished. Therefore, switching my focus 100 times a day to engage with email demotivates me from wanting to even sit at my laptop! So, when I am trying to REFRESH, I don’t check email until whatever specified time that I have scheduled in advance. This might end up being something entirely different for you, but put those activities on pause until you are through these next 4 steps.
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3. Re-prioritize
Sometimes, everything FEELS as if it has equal priority, but in those moments, refer back to your list (from step 1). Chunk these items, either by time, date, etc., so that it is not just 50 free-floating items. Group tasks under the larger goal. (For instance, if sending an email out to your email list is associated with publishing a new blog post, then publishing the blog post is the main item (with the email blast underneath it). Now, re-prioritize these “chunked” activities, making sure to take into account what needs to happen first, second, etc. Which ones can wait until next month–or next year? And which ones can be delegated to others, so that it is off your list altogether? –In our case, our son told us that he wanted to help us with Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok videos. (Since he ALREADY knows how to best create and use them, so it was a NO BRAINER to give him a monthly fee to take care of that for us! Now THAT’S one thing we can cross off our To Do list.) So, be honest with yourself; there is only SO much time and energy in a day, therefore, keep that in mind as you work through this process. Assign a number to the top of each chunk and, if possible, give yourself a date by which you would like them completed.
Should you ever play for free?
4. Build relationships
In all of these D.I.Y. Rock Star empire-building efforts, you will notice how important building relationships with other is. Just as we mentioned in “6 More strategies to get creatively unstuck,” https://bit.ly/238getunstuckblog it’s nice to have someone with which to call on to participate in the “Structured Walk.” So, it is the same with trying to get feedback, it is helpful to remember that building your creative empire is NOT a solitary process. Getting yourself “off the island,” will help you pull you back into your creative flow. Activities like participating in Facebook groups and engaging with other people will help you, ultimately—and, ironically—find your way back to you. –Of course, the way to extend the olive branch is by genuinely interacting with others (with NO expectation of reciprocation). –So, respond to others on topics that you care about and, eventually, the law of reciprocity will take hold; you will notice, long-term, that people will begin to engage with you and your content. –If you engage with others in a real effort to emphasize and support, it won’t fail that you will find yourself with people in your life who can help in some of your D.I.Y. Rock Star goals, as you will have helped them with THEIR goals along the way. The bottom line is that you may have to give of yourself before you will see results in this area, but it is WORTH it.
Networking for introverts:
5. Time block
Use the calendar to your advantage. Burnout and stress can dissipate when you know you have time allocated to do the work that needs to be done. Sometimes there’s stress just because we haven’t worked out as to when these things will get done. Once you time block for the most important priorities, you will feel a sense of steadiness. Be sure to include relationship building and marketing as a part of the essentials of your time blocking, if you are interested in getting the most out of growing your D.I.Y. Rock Star empire. To put it bluntly, if people do not know your music exists, you will not make the impact that you hope. Also, if you cannot figure out ways for you—and your music—to authentically connect to others, it is less likely that you will achieve your desired goals.
Goal setting (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star):
6. Care physically
We know we’ve talked about this before, but you have to take care of yourself. Sometimes when we feel our MOST burned out, we feel as if we should be working harder and more. However, the reality is that, as we pour things out of the bottom of the funnel, new things are thrown in, so you have to take SOME time to be sure that you are mentally and physically “ready” to meet the work you’ve scheduled. Though, it seems counter-intuitive, you need to get some physical activity in your schedule; like a 30 minute walk mid-day, strength training, yoga. According to the podcast, physical fitness helps your mental health by training you that hard things are doable. It also helps release chemicals in the brain that buoy your optimism, your sense of connectivity and your creative purpose; for instance, going for a walk while working on a creative problem. Also, get enough sleep and eat well; don’t just snack. You may not realize it, but your creative effectiveness is critical to your physical well-being.
6 More strategies to get creatively unstuck: https://bit.ly/238getunstuckblog
6. Re-root in your productive passion
Get connected to the outcomes that matter to you. Why do you do what you do? What is it about the work that you do that lights you up?
What matters MORE to you than the “suffering” of the work? Sometimes, burnout happens when you don’t know WHY you’re even bothering doing things that are pointless and equally urgent. It brings a new level of enthusiasm and focus when you re-connect to that original passion (of who you are and why you’re here). It brings a sort of peace and leaves you with a clearer mind.
‘Want to hang out with some folks who are traveling this same creative journey? Join us over on Facebook, where you can share your music, learn tips to make this lifestyle just a little easier, and fellowship with other musical artists. #diyrockstar #creativeempire #prejippie #bloomingprejippie http://bit.ly/diyrockstarjoin
He reminds us that we are not in this alone, but that if you take these steps to heart, you can re-charge your battery, so to speak, it will lead you to be more refreshed, more brilliant, and create more thoughtful, impactful work.
What do YOU think?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic!
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#burnout #staycreative @accidentalcreative #diyrockstar #prejippie #bloomingprejippie
Here’s what we’re into now:
· Tom Ray’s Art Podcast: https://bit.ly/tomrayspodcast2june2022
· “Sugar Fit” on Darkest Corners of the World Podcast S2 E3 http://bit.ly/sugarfitdarkestpod
· “Flying High” (from “Sugar Fit” album) on Toes in the Sand Playlist http://bit.ly/toesplaylist
· “Sugar Fit” on his Spotify “Indie: Undiscovered But Brilliant: Vol. 3” http://bit.ly/SugarFitonPlaylist2
· “Sugar Fit” on No Sugar Radio http://bit.ly/nosugarradiosugarfit
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N O W :
Pre-order our book, Be the NEXT D.I.Y. Rock Star Handbook: https://bit.ly/prejippiebklanding
This book is for you if you are charting the journey for creating, growing, and maintaining a musically creative empire from scratch. Early bird pricing! https://bit.ly/prejippiebklanding
More Ways to experience B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :
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Until next Monday, here’s wishing love, peace, and chicken grease!