7 types of rest and how to get them (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star)
Loosely accompanies Gab & Jam,
331. 7 types of rest and how to get them
(for the D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: https://bit.ly/331restvid and podcast: https://bit.ly/331restpod )
Though we harp on the “get up, get out, and something” philosophy, there is NO doubt that each of us needs rest. Here are the 7 types of rest and how to find a way to get them.
Check out the episode for the full discussion.
This topic is inspired by YOU ARE THE BRAND, episode 411: The 7 Types of Rest and Why You Need to Build Your REST Ethic with Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith: https://www.audacy.com/podcast/you-are-the-brand-c6120/episodes/411-the-7-types-of-rest-and-why-you-need-to-build-your-rest-ethic-with-dr-saundra-dalton-smith-d41b6?action=AUTOPLAY_FULL&actionContentId=201-8a1925a3-bc1b-4744-b8ff-5b70a689699e
What do we mean when we say “rest?”
Sleep is different from rest, though sleep is a type of rest.
Sleep is physical rest. It is passive and includes sleeping and napping, whereas, active rest includes yoga, stretching, and how to use your own your body ergonomics.
7 types of rest and how to get them
(for the D.I.Y. Rock Star): ⭐️
1. Physical rest
Physical rest consists of sleeping and napping. Needless to say, the way to assure that you get this is by building in a practice of getting a full night’s sleep and/or allowed discretionary naps.
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Here's our newest "Clouds" Obtanium Flow t-shirt design: https://bit.ly/obtflwtshirt623
2. Sensory rest
Sensory rest is about getting a break from other types of screens and plane hum. This affects your sleep. An easy way to get this is to turn off notifications is an easy way to get this. Also, having your lights dim as the day ends helps.
Did you know that along with putting together our next album, we are working on our first book? Here’s the link, if you want to pre-order: https://bit.ly/diybookorder
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3. Social rest
This podcast suggests that close relationships are life-giving, but getting away from outside people—but most social interactions are draining and are people that need people from us. So, by a way to get this is that we need to connect to people who don’t need anything from us, so that we can just get the charge that we need from folks who vibe with us. NOT talking about the art that we are doing is LIKELY the best way to re-charge our connection.
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4. Mental rest
It is likely that someone deprived of mental rest can’t turn their minds off as they sleep. Dr. Dalton-Smith says that, as a society, we’ve trained our brain to not remember things, so that your brain is processing even when you’re asleep. She suggests that you use mindfulness activities and brain dumps to get mental rest.
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5. Spiritual rest
She says that spiritual rest can achieving through finding a sense belonging, purpose, and connectivity, and to constructing a life that has meaning.
6. Emotional rest
She says that mental rest is when we have the ability to be authentic; you need to express the emotions related to where you can just be real and vulnerable, for instance with a therapist or counselor. This is when you don’t feel like the things you say are going to come back to bite you.
7. Creative rest
Finally, the seventh type of rest is creative rest, which is the need we have to have our creative well filled back up and to be inspired. –As D.I.Y. Rock Stars, you KNOW that we think it’s important to consume other people’s music, read books, watch movies, and take in stimuli that sparks new ideas in our own creative practice. However, in the podcast episode, Dr. Dalton-Smith mentions also the energy we receive when we appreciate the beauty in nature. Whatever it is that inspires YOU is what you should take in, so that you can be ready to incorporate some of the spirit of that work into what we choose to create next.
But we’re all TOO busy for this, right?
In the episode, she mentions that if you don’t have time for this, it means that you need to look at small, restorative practices that might help folks do better. Looking at water, ocean, etc., helps folks. Having a lock screen that is inspirational is helpful. Incorporating strategies for getting each type of rest is beneficial, especially to us creative people, so that we can continue to give out of ourselves and for our own creative expression.
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What do you think?
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So, will we do it again? HELL, YEAH! 🙌🏾 In fact, our NEXT livestream is scheduled for soon, where we will debut the next music video for Bourgeoisie Paper Jam’s album “Obtanium Flow” --unless you are a member of our Patreon community. (If you’re in our Patreon, you will see the video one week earlier. Join here.)
Limited edition “Obtanium Flow” designs:
· “Clouds” T-shirt design: https://bit.ly/obtflwtshirt623
· “Retro Flow” T-shirt design: https://bit.ly/flowretroshirtaug23
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Here’s what we’re into now:
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New single, "Lovely Mystic (Obtanium Flow),” by Bourgeoisie Paper Jam http://bit.ly/BandCampPMG and
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Until next Monday, here’s wishing love, peace, and chicken grease!
Did you know that along with putting together our next album, we are working on our first book? Here’s the link, if you want to pre-order: https://bit.ly/diybookorder
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