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D.I.Y. Rock Star Rewind: Middle of the mess (June 2023)

Bombastic march-ing?

—- I am NOT going to overpromise, but instead I am going to let my energy take me on the journey to finishing the remaining Groover results, as well as to get WHATEVER these requests are for Tony Webb’s Groover campaign. 📝🤷🏽‍♀️😬

What did we learn from our first D.I.Y. Livestream?

Fucking Groover!

—-I guess what I am saying is that earlier in the week, I was stressing out over NOT knowing how to tackle ANY of it in the FIRST place and then stressing about figuring out how to track the results—which I am STILL a little wonky on 🙄🤷🏽‍♀️ —but then I decided that, if THIS is going to be an ongoing part of our promotional strategy that I had BETTER NOT be intimidated about it and had to work on it in a MORE realistic way—which is NOT to stay up all night working in it; since THAT'S not sustainable. 🙄🤷🏽‍♀️ --Here's our Groover affiliate link, by the way: (It doesn't cost you any extra, but it helps us out a little.)

How did we get on 18 playlists in one week? (Thoughts on Groover) :

Can’t miss the moment; MAKE the time!

So, I am doing the NEXT best thing, which has been to take my laptop with me to work—which IS a pain! —and to carve out a good 30 to 45 minutes of dedicated time to work on it. THAT'S what I have done for the last 3 days and THIS has allowed to make some SENSE of the platform, try to create a system for keeping track of the results, and taking NOTE of the feedback that can be used for other things, as well as to forward the feedback to Bruce AND to email folks back. Whew!

Why use a shortened URL (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star)?

We want it ALL, don’t we?

But I have done it during the day—when my brain is in a fresher state—and without ANY of the distractions of home. 😬🙌🏾 Thank You, Lord, for dropping this method into my spirit! 🙏🏽 But today is Saturday and I would be ESPECIALLY proud of myself if I could finish off the care and attention to the BPJ campaign and shift to what info is being asked for with the Tony Webb campaign. —AGAIN, though Tony Webb is the SECOND priority, I would LOVE to start building his accounts up as well, since it’s ALL good music and it’s ALL us. 💥🤷🏽‍♀️🙌🏾 So, THAT'S my plan for today. 📝. BUT I want to do it at a pace that DOESNT feel like torture—because, AGAIN, if THIS is going to be how our next year or so is running, I am going to need to create a “flow” that WORKS for work/life balance. 🤷🏽‍♀️🙌🏾 —So, I am going to try a little of that in this busy season. 💡

Favorite Creative Content #1:

Hearty Thanks!

Did we happen to mention that it’s YOU all that made the livestream a huge success? So, THANKS for that! We love having you with us for this ride! 🥰 Secondly, if you’d like to how you can help, there are quite a variety of ways to do so. Choose the one(s) that work for you.

Here's how to help:


Here’s what we’re celebrating this month:


Did you know that we're writing our first book?

Be the NEXT D.I.Y. Rock Star Handbook Pre-order:

Gab & Jam:

284. Why use a shortened URL (as a D.I.Y. Rock Star)? (video: and podcast: )

285. Favorite Creative Content #1 (video: and podcast: )

286. How we got on 13 Playlists in One Week (Thoughts on Groover) (video: and podcast: )

287. What did we learn from our first D.I.Y. Livestream? (video: and podcast: )

Here's how to find out more about our latest release!

All things “Obtanium Flow”:

Blog Posts:

Tony Webb’s “Funkalicious” video is blowing up on YouTube!

Song Clips:

212. “The Clock is Ticking” @Fodera #Fodera #YinYang #bass

213. “Huggy Bear” @Sire #Sire #MarcusMiller #bass

214. “We Stop the Rain” @Fender #Fender #bass

215. “Funkalicious” @Fodera #Fodera #bass

216. “Living For The Groove” @Fodera #Fodera #bass

217. “Keep Me Warm” @Sandberg #Sandberg #bass

More Ways to consume B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :

· All things “Obtanium Flow”:

· Gab & Jam podcast:

· Soundcloud (music):

· Join the Bourgeoisie Paper Jam Street Team!

· Be the NEXT D.I.Y. Rock Star Handbook Pre-order:




This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are. Tip: Add your own image by double clicking the image and clicking Change Image.

 prejippie MANIFESTo: 


  1. Dislodging cultural hairballs.

  2. Always looking for the next new beautiful, colorful, cultural thing... 

  3. Prefer beauty, because that's where truth is found.

  4. Documenting our blossoming.

  5. To be that ever-changing mix of preppies, jitterbugs, and hippies.

  6. To explore as many genre mash-ups as possible.

  7. To be inspired and to inspire others.

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