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Next Phase? Live show! 🎸 July 2024


Can’t grind right now… 🤕

We’re learning to embrace a new reality, since we haven’t been given much of a choice.  –We’ve had to push back promotional plans–including livestreams and shelling out cash on BIG elaborate advertising, like we had done previously.  –Instead, we are starting to consider how to move forward with current physical limitations and budget constraints.


Christmas in August?! Check out our sale! Everything in the store—except exclusive merch—

is on sale at 60% off.  Use discount code:  XMASSALE



No shame… 🥄

Looking back over our catalog has caused us to appreciate what we’ve created thus far in a NEW way, so we’ll be taking advantage of some of the hard work we’ve ALREADY invested and find MORE and different ways to share. THIS is why we are fortifying our Patreon with some new, exclusive content that’s NOT available ANYWHERE else. 


103 Social Media Questions to Boost Engagement (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star):    


Live, Baby! 🚀

Speaking of offering our songs in new, exciting ways, we have been offered two opportunities for live performances, which is going to make us step a little out of our comfort zone. We will reveal more about ALL of the plans in the days and weeks to come.

20 Take-aways from The Silent Takeover Ted Gioia on AI's Threat To Music:




What we are learning is to be thankful for the SMALL things–like the idea of re-working two songs from the newest album, “Obtanium Flow” (with expanded arrangements that include my budding ukulele obsession) for an upcoming open mic night performance and welcoming new folks into the Bourgeoisie Paper Jam Street Team every day. –We KNOW we’re not fabulously famous rock stars, but knowing that there are folks who vibe with us and our music is what gives us wings, so if you’ve read THIS far, then they PROBABLY means that’s YOU.  Thank YOU!

Patreon supporters will receive the exclusive open mic performance videos, so if you want to hear our reworking and see our reemerging, find a level that works for you.


New BPJ Street Team Landing page:


Here's what we're most thrilled about this month:

Gab & Jam:

332. 103 Social Media Questions to Boost Engagement (for the D.I.Y. Rock Star) (video: and podcast: )

333. 20 Take-aways from The Silent Takeover Ted Gioia on AI's Threat To Music Part 1 (video:   and podcast: )



Blog Posts:

Listen to the latest album on your favorite streaming platform.

Song Clips:

177. Classic Clip “Mustang Rumble” @Fender #Fender #bass

178. Classic Clip “Living My Best Life” @Fodera #Fodera #bass

179. Classic Clip “Riding Free” @Sandberg #Sandberg #bass

180. Classic Clip “Lovely Mystic (Obtanium Flow)” @Fender #Fender #bass

181. Classic Clip “Nothing Can Keep Me Down” @Sandberg #Sandberg #bass

182. Classic Clip “More Love Planted” @Sandberg #Sandberg #bass

183. Classic Clips ““Mist Drift” @Martin #Martin #bass

184. Classic Clips “In The Pocket” @Sire #Sire #bass @prejippie

185. Classic Clips “Close to My Heart” @Gibson #Gibson #guitar

Did you know that along with putting together our next album, we are working on our first book?

Charting the journey for creating, growing, and maintaining a musically creative empire from scratch.



More Ways to consume B L O O M I N G P R E J I P P I E :

· All things “Obtanium Flow”:

· Gab & Jam podcast:

· Soundcloud (music):

· Join the Bourgeoisie Paper Jam Street Team!

· Be the NEXT D.I.Y. Rock Star Handbook Pre-order:

1 comentário

2 days ago

Новини складають важливу частину нашого життя, ігнорувати новини означає ігнорувати світ, який є навколо, що не дуже, особливо з урахуванням того у який час ми живемо. Враховуючи це, я вже багато років використовую якісний новинний портал, котрий надає мені всі актуальні та перевірені новини, які дають мені змогу розуміти, що саме відбувається в світі. Таким чином, я нещодавно прочитав доволі цікаву статтю про професії без обмежень, неймовірна стаття по своєму наповненню та актуальності, котра ознайомила мене з такими важливими поняттями. На мою думку, саме завдяки таким важливим статтям, ми і можемо дізнаватися нове для себе, та змінюватися на краще, бо тільки через якісні джерела інформації, ми можемо завжди бути в курсі подій.



This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are. Tip: Add your own image by double clicking the image and clicking Change Image.

 prejippie MANIFESTo: 


  1. Dislodging cultural hairballs.

  2. Always looking for the next new beautiful, colorful, cultural thing... 

  3. Prefer beauty, because that's where truth is found.

  4. Documenting our blossoming.

  5. To be that ever-changing mix of preppies, jitterbugs, and hippies.

  6. To explore as many genre mash-ups as possible.

  7. To be inspired and to inspire others.

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